Saturday, October 22, 2011


So I'm going to have a mock interview for optometry school with the optometrist I (used to) work for in a couple weeks. Yesterday when my mom and I were at the movies seeing Moneyball (so good!) she asked me what I would say if he asked what else I am interested in or like to do besides optometry. The first thing I said was TV (because it's true!) and she said, "You can't say that!" But I feel like I should be honest, and I mean it wouldn't be the only thing I'd say, but why can't I like TV? She said I could say I am a movie buff but I can't say that I like TV. What's the difference? Are people just TV snobs? I got kind of annoyed at her after that and refused to talk to her anymore about it, but maybe she has a point. I need some new hobbies.

I tried to get into writing movie reviews, but that failed after my first one. (This would probably be an appropriate time to post a link to my movie blog, but it is way too lame for that.) And recently I've been thinking about reviewing TV shows, since I watch a lot more of those, but that's not why I watch TV. I watch TV so I can escape from life, not make a job of it.

Then there are the things I'd really like to get into but probably never will. Like photography. It is seriously really cool and I love looking at great photographs. It also seems like the hobby that anyone could do. Not to say that it's easy because I'm sure it's not, but it's not like you have to have some natural ability like you do with drawing or painting or whatever. But I feel like it's hard to get into it because you have to have a nice camera to take pictures that look like more than just Facebook profile pics, and those cost money. Now might actually be a good time for me to get into photography because since I am living at home I have access to my dad's really nice camera(s), but I wouldn't want to tell him what I'm doing with it. And honestly I'd have no idea where to start. What would I take pictures of?

So now I'm back to the fact that I have no hobbies. I used to play the guitar but that kind of stopped awhile ago. And I used to try to do yoga, but that only lasted a couple months. So anyway, does anyone (meaning the one person that reads my blog) have any suggestions of things I should get into?

Oh I just remembered that I wanted to try knitting again....

Ok I'm going to go start working on the 5 million things I have to do this weekend. Bye!